Monday, November 14, 2005


Talk about allot going on! This weekend was a smorgasbord of athleticism in the fair state of Michigan. College football, Pro football, Pro hockey, Mike's men's league, My hockey session and of course the 1st annual P.O.S bike ride! Needless to say that spot in the hallway carpet I've been meaning to clean up will have to wait another week.
Saturday literally blew in with winds that would have sent Mary Poppins over the Atlantic. The event this day: The 1st Annual P.O.S. 100. (not really a UCI sanctioned type of was actually just a group of grown adults on kids bikes loaded up on Milwaukee's Beast) As the afternoon rolled around I gathered up my bike, clothes and dog and headed to downtown Rochester for some pre-event downhill runs. The runs were fun, however I didn't go away unscathed. I showed up to the start of the event with blood running down my knee from a not-so-graceful crash off of an earlier jump. Every successful ride causes bloodshed.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I'll save some typing.
  • Here are 10400:

  • and
  • Here are a few more:

  • An award was given for the best crash of the day. The recipient: The 7 year old kid who opened the door and fell out of the minivan while his dad was roasting the tires.


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